Remember to help the poor…always…

2:10 Galatians “Their only suggestion was that we keep on helping the poor, which I have always been eager to do.” (NLT)

Paul met with the apostles in Jerusalem. He wanted to confirm that His message was consistent with their message. They found favor with him and his message to the Gentiles. They reminded him to continue helping the poor. He did that and much more. We are also to be reminded of our duty to help the poor. They have nothing… no means of support… often no shelter… no one to fall back on in times of trouble. We are their safety net. We are people to help and to provide support for them. Let that be part of your mission now and throughout the year. Be that blessing to others in great need. THANK YOU!!

Copy this blog post or the link to this page to give this verse to all of your friends on social media. Ask if they have a favorite charity that helps others in need. Ask why they like that group and how it makes them feel after giving to that charity. Let them know the importance of helping the poor. Also, invite them to join you or to join in an upcoming Christmas service at your church or your fellowship group. Remind them of ‘the reason for the season’. Always Take Time For God’s Word(c) at 2:10 am or pm or as you see a person who is poor being helped by others, remember this verse. We cannot imagine the feeling of those who are poor. To be totally helpless often means that they are hopeless as well. There are poor in every community. That means there are LOTS of opportunities for us to help. It may be food, clothing, shelter, medical care, a listening ear, or a loving heart. You have so much to share. Do so now and often throughout each new year. You will be blessed in the process of being a blessing!

We extend our prayers to ALL of the staff who provide services to and through our schools…cooks …librarians …bus drivers …principals …custodians …etc. It takes many skills and many people to support our schools and their efforts to educate our children and grandchildren. Each may have contact with the students. Each can pass on a smile and an encouraging word. Regardless of our roles, we can each serve where God has placed us. Make your service count for His kingdom. Be a shining light to brighten the lives of others. Pass it on in helping the poor and needy wherever you may find them.

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