Help others to grow in faith…

14:01 Romans “Welcome those who are weak in faith, but do not argue with them about their personal opinions." (GNT)

Paul reminds us to help those who are new in faith in Jesus. They may have questions. They may have concerns. They may not get it right the first time… or the third… or the tenth… that is OK, they are growing. It would be like watching a child take their first steps and when they fell, you would scold them for falling… NO, we encourage them to get up and take a few more steps… and a few more… that’s what we are to do with those who are new in the faith. Be a great encourager!!

Copy the link to this page to send this verse to friends and family, near or far. Ask how they would help or encourage a young child to try new things. Ask if they would show the same patience to an adult learning those same new things. Tell them that God encourages us even though we fail and fall and falter in life. Let them know that you will help them if there are questions or if they need an explanation of a verse or activity at church or in a fellowship group. Be reminded to Take Time For God’s Word at 14:01 (2:01 pm) or as you say ‘welcome’ to anyone that you meet. You can set a password on your computer as “1401Romans!” As it reminds to not to set weak passwords… recall that you are asked to “Welcome those who are weak in faith”. Whenever it asks for a password, you will have this verse. It may work for other favorite verses as well. As we all have dozens of passwords, we could recall dozens of verses. Try it and see!

Our next prayers are for all of the organizations that are early responders to disasters or emergency needs. We think of the Red Cross and similar groups who go wherever there is a need. There are LOTS of needs so they are going everywhere AND they need volunteers to help out. They need people to pack up food and supplies…they need people to unpack it and to distribute it… and they need MANY extra people to clear trees and debris so people can get back to their homes, if possible. If you have any skill, they will find a way to use it. Be that blessing. Pass it on as a great encourager to those new in faith.

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