Be determined to do His will!…

50:07 Isaiah “Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame.“ (NLT)

We see it far too often… public figures, celebrities, coaches, and even clergy who have known what is right to do and yet they still do what is wrong. They are disgraced and put to shame for their willful actions. It is sad to see how far they have gone from what is good and right. Isaiah advises us that in knowing and in serving God, when we are doing His will and loving Him our actions will NEVER be put to shame. We should be bold in our witness for Him. We should be daring in our love for others. We should be persistent in helping those around us. We should be constant in our prayers for those in need. Never give up in your commitment to Him… He will NEVER give up on you!

Please click ‘Like’ on this post and click ‘Share’ to provide this verse to all of your family, friends, and co-workers for His kingdom. Ask if they have ever been put to shame because of some action or event. Ask how that felt and how long they were feeling disgraced by what they had done. Let them know that there is complete forgiveness in Christ. Tell them that there is a new beginning in Him. Help them to know the love of Jesus. It is Good News to those who long for peace and hope. Share it often! Consistently Take Time For God’s Word© throughout each day by recalling key verses and words of hope. When you read the news or watch it on TV, as you see people put to shame and having their names disgraced, pray for them…they need it. Then recall this verse in 50:07 Isaiah that tells us that we “will not be put to shame” as long as we are following His will and His plan for our lives. We are to be “determined to do His will”. It will be a life worth living and it will have a future that lasts… forever!

Please pray for all of the police, fire fighters, and emergency services men and women in your community. They provide for us in so many ways. They are ready and able to serve our needs in dangerous and frightening situations. They put their lives at risk to save and protect our lives. Thank them for such service. Support them and their families. Be a blessing to them as they are a GREAT blessing to us. Stay blessed in ALL that you do. Pass it on with a focus and a determination to do His will today!

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