There are lessons in waiting for Him!

30:18 Isaiah “Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” (NIV)

Now Isaiah tells of the mercy of God. The love of God that will not let go. He wants us to know that even in the darkest times, there is our God with us through it all. It is so hard to wait for God to answer. And that is why we must wait. We must depend on Him. We must seek His grace continually. We must learn to watch for His blessings upon us as we move forward in faith. Wait for Him!

Please route this verse to close family or friends by copying this blog or the link to this page. Ask if they are waiting for something in their lives. Ask how patient they are while they are waiting. Let them know what it means to you to wait upon the Lord. Remind them of the blessings which come for those who wait. Next, Take Time For God’s Word and review some of your favorite verses throughout your day. For me, I have verses on my phone, on my laptop, printed and posted on the bulletin board, on bookmarks, etc. They serve as inspiration. They provide me with positive messages. They cause me to be more thankful for the blessings that I have received. I pray that they will be a great blessing to you as well. Then share them with others!

Our prayers go out to all of the hospitals and clinics and for both patients and staff at those facilities. Focused prayers go out to Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago, IL) for the great care and comfort which they give to families with children in some difficult or crisis situations. They provide hope and healing and support. We ask that you help provide that support to any families which you know who are in such situations. Be there for them. Listen. Comfort. Care. Pray. Visit. Do whatever you need to do for them. We are called to do this. Do it well! Stay blessed. Pass it on to those who desperately need to know His love today.

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