God always does the extraordinary!…

29:14 Isaiah “Therefore I will again do an amazing thing for these people--an absolutely extraordinary deed. Wise men will have nothing to say, the sages will have no explanations.” (NET Bible)

Isaiah gives us many prophetic statements. He tells of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus. He gives frequent brief statements which all then happened at the time of Jesus’ birth and throughout His life. It all came about just as God had stated hundreds of years before the birth. We know that it is still ‘an amazing thing’ and ‘an extraordinary deed’ that Christ did for each of us. We will have forever to thank Him for that!

Click ‘Like’ on this post (please) and click ‘Share’ to send along this verse to friends and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask what they feel is the most amazing thing to happen in their life. Ask them to name the top five amazing things that they can think of. You can share your list with them. Being forgiven by God and accepted as His own is at the top of the list for me. How about you? Remember to Take Time For God’s Word whenever you check the time… think of a verse. Soon, it will become a habit (and a good one). Memorable verses will become ‘unforgettable’ as you will automatically recall them when you see the time displayed… 8:28… 7:07… 11:28… or many others. Then you will know that ‘all things work together for good’ and that you can ‘ask, and it shall be given you’ or that you can ‘come unto me… and I will give you rest’. Enjoy those reassurances often each day!

Our prayers today go out to all of the nursing homes or assisted living facilities and for all of the residents and staff at those places. With an ever increasing aging population (yes, that’s us), there will be a greater need for and demand of these organizations. It is the best option for many people. Yet, we still need to reach out to those who are there. Give them a phone call. Send a card. Write an email or text if they can receive them. Let them know that you care. It will be a great blessing to them… and to you! Stay blessed in all of your activities. Pass it on and encourage others to see the amazing things that God can do!

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