Be humble in the presence of God…

5:15 Isaiah “So people will be brought low and everyone humbled, the eyes of the arrogant humbled.” (NIV)

In Isaiah’s day, the people of Israel had moved farther and farther away from God’s purpose and His plan for them. They built bigger homes…larger fields…wore finer clothes…held parties… and did not seem to show any thanks or praise to God. Much of what Isaiah says is an indictment against their many sins. Our verse is a good reminder to all people. We need to count our blessings BUT we also need to remember where those blessings come from. We need to give our thanks and praise to God. We are to remain humble. Make that your aim each day…to walk humbly with our God!

Copy this blog or the link to this post to offer up this verse to close family, friends, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask if they find that they are less happy when they have more and more ‘stuff’. Ask if they find their greatest joys when they are giving to others. (I know I do!) We need to live a life that is different from everyone else around us. We need to love and give and forgive so much that others can’t help but notice. Our joy should become contagious. They will want to know more. Then you can share His love with them and you can Take Time For God’s Word at 5:15 am or pm or as you humble yourself each day, then recall this verse. This may be a verse card to print out and to post on your mirror. We need to see it often. We need to understand its consequences. We need to show our thanks and praise to God for ALL that He has given to us. You will be blessed even more when He sees that you know how to share it gladly with others!!

We offer up our prayers for all of the homeless men, women, and children in our country. We pray for the shelters and organizations like Pacific Garden Missions (Chicago, IL) that so faithfully provide for those in great need. Imagine, if you can, living in tents or cardboard shelters with no possessions and nobody to whom you can turn to for help. Wow!! We all have so much in comparison. How can we share MORE with those in such great need? Do that sharing where you live. Do it this week. Make it a habit. It will keep you humble to know that you are helping so many in such great need. THANK YOU! You are a blessing!! Pass it on now… and until He comes again!

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