Be bold even when standing alone…

26:35 Matthew “But Peter declared, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you." And all the other disciples said the same.“ (NIV)

Jesus tells Peter that he will deny Jesus 3 times before the cock crows in the morning. Peter strengthens his statement…THEN all of the other disciples said the same thing. We know that they all scattered at the crucifixion. We know they huddled behind locked doors even after the resurrection. We know that they experienced great fear and uncertainty. Their faith was tested greatly. They failed the test…yet, Jesus knew that they would regain an even greater faith soon. He saw their potential and not their failures. He sees great potential in you. He will help you to develop that potential into a great life lived in service to Him.

Copy this blog post or copy this link to send this verse to family, friends, and neighbors. Ask if they ever rallied in a group but then lost that resolve when they had to go on alone. Ask how that made them feel as they saw the group and the cause disband and retreat. We know that God can take away our fears and can give us strength for whatever we may face in life. He is with us always! So, Take Time For God’s Word frequently during the day and remember 26:35 as you are in a group, recall our verse and the commitments you make. I am sure that I have read this verse dozens of times but I just noticed the sentence ‘And all the other disciples said the same’. We tend to pick of Peter or doubting Thomas for a lack of faith yet we see here that ALL of the disciples lacked faith in that moment. Encourage other friends during tough times to keep their faith strong and to let God see them through to the end. Call someone today to encourage them.

As we near the end of our monthly prayer cycle list, we focus on prayers for all of the judges and courts across our land. They seek to administer justice. They seek the truth so that they can support our laws. They sometimes offer mercy. It is a challenging job and process. They need our support. We ask that they be given wisdom and insight in all of their decisions. Participate as a juror, if called to serve. Be watchful in your neighborhoods and watch out for the safety of your neighbors. We must all act responsibly in service to others. Stay blessed. Pass it on without fear of others and with a joyful boldness in the Lord!

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