Do you keep ALL of your promises?

26:33 Matthew “Peter replied, "Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.“ (NIV)

There are many verses covering the Last Supper with the disciples. We have likely heard those verses dozens upon dozens of times. This verse stands out because it shows Peter making a promise to Jesus. He is sincere. He thinks he can stand up for Jesus. Yet, as we know, he would later deny that he knew Jesus. It is why we continue to read our Bibles and study His Word. We ALL need to be strengthened in our faith. We do not know what trials or temptations may come to us. We do know that Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us. That is a promise we can count on because His Word NEVER fails!!

Please pass along this verse to close friends and co-workers for the kingdom. Ask if they ever made a promise to God which they did not keep. Ask how that made them feel and what they did to be reconciled. Let them know how you are working to keep your promises. Continue to pray with each other and for each other. We ALL need prayers to surround us each day. Always Take Time For God’s Word during the day and remember 26:33 as you make any promises to God or to others. You may want to set this verse as a Reminder in your phone. It is beyond ‘time’ so it can be set whenever you would like. It will then pop up and it will cause you to think about Peter and his promise. It will cause you to ask for forgiveness and that is important any time. Stay close to Him through His Word.

We remember in prayers all of the people who have been impacted by extreme weather related issues. We continue to see the dry conditions and the wildfires raging. We see the flooding after the monsoon rains in China, India, and other parts of the world. We know that we do not control the weather yet we still seek God’s grace in moderating the impacts and helping those who now need us to step up to show His love by what we give and how we respond to their needs. Continue to be a witness to that love. Show your support though every act of kindness. Stay blessed to be a blessing. Pass it on through word and deed each day.

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