Bring extra oil for your lamps…

25:04 Matthew “The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.” (NIV)

“Give me oil in my lamp, keep it burning. Give me oil in my lamp, I pray. Give me oil in my lamp, keep it burning. Keep it burning until the judgement day.” (author unknown, Bible camp song) As soon as I read these verses, that song is what quickly came to mind. It is a song that I haven’t thought much about for nearly 50 years… yet it is still my prayer even today. I want to be wise and to have my light shine for Jesus until He returns. How about you? Keep learning His Word. Keep sharing it. Keep praying. He will keep you connected with Him. Shine on!!

Please copy this blog or this link and send along this verse to friends on social media or on your email list. Ask if they know the context for this verse (it was girls preparing to light the way for the bridegroom.) Ask if they take extra provisions with them if they feel they may need to wait somewhere. Listen to how they answer. Remind them that we should all be prepared for that final day when Christ returns. We do so by staying ready and refueled by His Word. Think of that as you Take Time For God’s Word each day and consider 25:04 as a verse to plan for. It would be easy to recall if you have an oil lamp in your house (likely as an antique). You could think of it whenever you flip on a light switch… power still needs to be there for it to work. Just stay prepared and watch for His return.

Today our prayers extend for all of the youth music programs and musical groups. We need to encourage youth to make music (and not just listen to it). Some will develop great voices. Some will develop a passion for music. All will benefit by knowing more Christian songs to fill their minds with the Gospel message. I can hear a great Christian song in the morning and I am still humming the tune or singing the chorus throughout the day. Music can touch the heart! Encourage youth to sing or to play musical instruments! Stay blessed. Pass it on with the humming of your favorite hymns or praise songs tomorrow!

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