Focus on the end game!

24:13 Matthew “but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (NIV)

Jesus tells the disciples that the day-to-day struggles will be too much for many people. Their hearts will grow cold and their love will fade away. Yet, those who are willing to persist and stand firm in the faith will be rewarded in the end. They will see the Lord’s salvation. That’s us! We want to encourage others to be firm in their hope and to be persistent in faith and especially in prayer. Reach out to others and help them strengthen their faith today… and always!

Please route this verse to your family, friends, and co-workers in His kingdom by copying this blog post or by sending a link to this page. Ask if they feel overwhelmed at times by the evil around them. Ask if they have reached out to others to help to encourage them as they go through great challenges. Let them know that we are here to help others through these tough times. Let them know that you are praying for them. Be faithful to Take Time For God’s Word often each day and remember 24:13 as a verse of promise and hope. Jesus is with us all the way… through whatever we may be experiencing now or in the future. With that promise, we can have no fear of what the world can do to us. Trust that promise and know that you are His own… forever.

We raise up all of the foster care agencies and foster care families in our prayers. There are many kids in foster care that need a home for a short time or long term. They just want to be in a loving family. They want stability. They want a sense of belonging. They want a place to call ‘home’. We need to open our hearts to that need and to those kids. Help where you can. Volunteer if you can. Support them in your community. Be that great blessing to others in need. Pass it on with small acts of kindness and with huge acts of love!

PLEASE reply to this blog with an ‘Amen’ or ‘Hi’ to each post in order for us to know who is receiving these verses. THANK YOU!!!!!

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