Are you His disciple?

16:24 Matthew “Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (NIV)

Jesus shares with the disciples the events which will happen as He goes to Jerusalem and to His cross. It is a hard message to understand. It is a hard message to accept. They want Him to stay with them. Yet, our salvation depended on His denying of Himself and then dying for our sins. We also are to deny ourselves. We are to change our priorities. We are to refocus our lives on His will and not our own. It is still a tough message to accept. It still gives us the best life possible both now and FOREVER!

Circulate this verse to other Christians among your family, friends and co-workers by passing on this link or by giving them a copy of this blog post. Ask what they have had to deny of themselves to follow Jesus. Ask what blessings they have received as a result of that denial. Let them know that you pray for them. Ask for their prayers as well. We are the body of Christ. We need to strengthen it through prayer. Be faithful as you Take Time For God’s Word at 16:24 (4:24 pm) and as you remember His cross, then remember this verse. I am a visual person so I like to have verses printed and posted on bulletin boards, refrigerators, etc. I like to see them. I like to re-read them (even if I know them). I want those words to touch my soul. I want them to become a part of who I am. Then I want them to impact and influence every decision that I make. Please keep sharing this verse. We need to be reminded of it often. Be blessed as His disciple!

Next in our monthly prayer cycle are prayers for all of the doctors, physicians, PA’s, Lab Techs, etc. who support us in our aches and pains, our diseases, and accidents in life. So many demonstrate great compassion and caring to their patients. Many let their great faith show in how they care for and pray for their patients. Others take ‘vacations’ as oversees medical resources to care for those in desperate need. Thank them for their service. Support them in their efforts. Show them blessings in return. Stay blessed always! Pass it on relentlessly by carrying the cross with you wherever you go!

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