Speak kind words from your heart…

15:08 Matthew “'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”(NIV)

The Pharisees challenged Jesus on ceremonial washing for His disciples. Jesus then challenged them on their care for parents which many had neglected. These priests had created their own customs and had given them the same importance as God’s laws. Jesus wanted to set them straight. He challenges us as well. We are to make sure that our words (and actions) are consistent with what we believe and trust in our hearts. Faith can do powerful things… keep exercising your faith daily! Keep spiritually fit!!

Share a copy of this blog or the link to it in order to give this verse to all your friends on Facebook or your email list. Many of you have hundreds of friends on Facebook or on email lists who need to hear more of God’s Word. You can be the one to share it with them. Please do! Ask if they ever talk to people who say one thing but believe something else. Ask how that makes them feel. Let them know that you are trying to live out your faith every day. Ask them to help you. Ask them to pray for you… just as you will pray for them. Let your actions show your love for them. Always Take Time For God’s Word at 15:08 (3:08 pm) and as you speak words from your heart, then think about this verse. You may want to keep this as a Reminder on your phone for 3:08pm with the title ‘15:08 Matt ‘hearts far from me’. It should be enough to help you remember the verse but more importantly to remember that our words MUST reflect what we believe. Let those words come from your heart and let them show the love of Christ to others. Be all that He has planned for you to be in Him!

Our prayers extend to all of the youth pastors and youth leaders in our churches and fellowship groups. Summers are busy with Vacation Bible School, summer camps, mission trips, etc. This is the time when our youth can have some in-depth experiences in seeing and knowing the love of Christ at work in their lives. What a great, life-changing experience for them. Support those types of activities. Volunteer to help. Bring cookies. Let your love show through in the things that you do for them. Stay blessed continually. Pass it on with great joy and with praises to Him!

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