What is your Sabbath schedule?…

12:08 Matthew “For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” (NIV)

Pharisees accused Jesus and His disciples for ‘working’ on the Sabbath because they picked and ate some grain along their journey. Jesus needed to remind them (and us) that the ‘day of rest’ (Sabbath or Sunday for us) was made for mankind. It was a break from work. It was a time for family. It was a time for fellowship with others. It was a time for worship. We seem to have lost that in our fast-paced, round-the-clock world…and it shows. Make it your habit to rest and to thank God for all His mercies every Sabbath.

Pass on this verse to friends and family by copying the content or by sharing the link to this blog entry. Ask if they have ever had a Sunday family day or picnic that was just meant for fun. Ask if their family made church services a part of their Sunday plans. Remind them of the value of rest, fellowship, and worship together as family and friends. It makes a great start for the coming week! Continue to Take Time For God’s Word at 12:08 am or pm as you see a church or Sunday on a calendar, then remember this verse. Set this as an appointment on your calendar for Sundays at 12:08 pm. It may be after you return from church. It may be a recap of what you heard at church that day. It may remind you to turn-off the sports channel and to actually play a sport with your kids or grandkids. It will be a memory that can last a lifetime! Make Sunday’s count!

As summer is approaching, we need to remember all of our youth outreach programs and ministries. It may be summer camp, Bible school, educational or sports camps supported through our churches, or it may be summer mission trips. There are so many opportunities for our youth to become involved in growing their faith while serving others. Help support these programs and their leaders. Encourage the youth. Stay blessed during the summer months by keeping close to His Word in daily devotions. Pass it on to the next generations by being a great blessing to them!

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