How to lighten your load…

11:30 Matthew “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (NIV)

Jesus compares what He asks us to do and to follow to be a “yoke that is easy and a burden that is light”. He wants us to know that He is there with us continually. He has taken away the crushing burden of sin. Our task of sharing His love with others should not be more than we can carry with Him. It should free us to be more and to do more. Please let Him take away your sins… ALL of them. Don’t drag them around with you any more. Be free. And share His grace freely with others along the way.

Tell this verse to all of your family, friends, and neighbors by copying it or by sending them the link to this blog post. Ask if they have ever carried a heavy load or backpack for a long distance. Ask how tired that made them feel and how good it felt to put it down. Help them to see that our sins of the past can be like that heavy load. They make us tired. They drag us down. We feel there is no way out. Tell them that Jesus can change all of that for them. Please Take Time For God’s Word at 11:30 am or pm as you see anyone carrying a heavy load, then think of this verse. Add this verse to the verses from the past 2 days (11:28-11:29). These short verses will continue to be a blessing as you look at them in Reminders on your phone. Then at 11:28am you can see all 3 verses. It should make you feel like a burden is lifted. It should renew your strength knowing that Jesus is supporting you. Let His Word breathe life into your daily living.

Today we focus our prayers on homeless shelters and those who provide daily for the needs of the homeless… men, women, and children. We lift up organizations like Pacific Garden Missions (Chicago, IL) that has been doing this work for more than 100 years (now that is commitment!). They combine providing basic necessities with the love of Christ to people who have run out of options. They let them know that Christ still loves them. That is a great message that we all need to remember each day. Support groups like this in your communities. Make a difference in this world for the sake of the Gospel. Pass it on by being the blessing to others that God has made you to be.

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