Worried? You shouldn’t be!

6:27 Matthew “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (NIV)

Do you worry? Does all that worry change things? I know that it does change you… it fatigues you… it depresses you… it keeps you from enjoying others and the blessings that you already have. It doesn’t have to do that. You can turn ALL of those worries over to God. You can take proactive actions to change the outcomes of the things that you worry about. Trust that God is in control. He isn’t worried about it… so don’t let it worry you either!

Pass along this verse as the blog or as a link to all of your friends on social media and on your email list. Ask what they worry about the most. Ask how it affects them each day. Share with them what you do to turn over the worries to God. Tell them that you are praying for them. Ask if there is anything that you can specifically pray for. Give it over to God and He will see you through it. Please Take Time For God’s Word at 6:27 am or pm and as you catch yourself worrying about anything, then remember this verse and turn over those worries to God. Please print out this verse card and put in on your night stand or on your refrigerator door. You need to see this often. You need to pray about it daily. Once you give it over to God, THEN take positive actions to help others. It will change your focus and it will improve the lives of many around you. Don’t worry… be PRAYERFUL!

Our prayers today go out to all of the Christians across all of the colleges and universities in the USA. We know that there are MANY pressures and attempts to silence Christians who want to share their faith in public colleges/ universities. This may be students, professors, and staff at those facilities. We need to encourage them in their witness and in living out their faith each day. Support them through your words and actions towards them. Bless them to be a blessing to others. Pass it on without worry by letting God be God for you!

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