You can’t serve two masters!

6:24 Matthew “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” (NIV)

God or money? It is a choice. If you choose God, then the money really isn’t that important. If you choose money, then you are telling God that He really isn’t that important (wrong answer). If money becomes your goal, then you will sacrifice everything else to get more and more. And, when you die (when, not IF) there is no use for money. If God is the goal of your service, you are investing in helping others and in introducing others to God. It is all about making His name known and in giving Him the glory. In the end, you will have the benefits of knowing Him forever! (Now that is a long-term investment!)

Forward this blog or the link to this post to give this verse to close friends, family, and co-workers in His kingdom. Ask if they still find that money is tempting. Ask how often they feel tempted by it. Let them know that we will always be tempted but that we are not to give in to that sin. Tell them of the great blessings you receive by keeping God as your priority each day. If you get too many blessings, they just overflow to others and everyone benefits. Then, Take Time For God’s Word at 6:24 am or pm and as you take out money from your pocket or purse, then think of this verse. This may be a good verse to put in as an Appointment on your calendar for 6:24 pm. When it pops up, consider your choices during the day and how you used money for the greater good in God’s kingdom. Don’t let money use you! You were bought with the precious blood of Jesus… that truly is priceless!

In our monthly prayer cycle, we now remember to pray for all of the Christian colleges and universities around the world. There are a LOT of them. What a blessing they are to the students, faculty, parents, and communities where they are located. They provide strength and encouragement along with quality educations for our young women and men as they embark on their careers or missions in life. They will need a strong foundation in God’s Word to face the problems and temptations of the world. Support them. Help where you can. Stay blessed in whatever you do! Pass it on through your choices to put God first each day!

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