Protect your treasure—protect your heart…

6:21 Matthew “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (NIV)

This verse sums it up. If we treasure something, then that is where our heart will be. So, it is critical that we treasure only those things that are truly important. We only have one heart. It cannot be divided between multiple treasures. It stays with the one that we love the most. If you were to ask a friend what YOU treasure the most, would they be able to describe it you it? It would be that obvious. Therefore, make sure that you treasure your relationship with God and in knowing His Word. Your heart will be welcomed there!

Always be sharing the blog and the link to others as you give this verse to your friends, family, and neighbors. Ask if they have heard this verse before. Ask if they have such a treasure or one that they are pursuing. Remind them that it should be one of great value and one that lasts forever. That’s what you value in your relationship with Jesus. Share that with them. Also, Take Time For God’s Word at 6:21 am or pm and as you feel your heart beating, then remember this verse. This is a great verse to put as a Reminder on your phone for 6:21am (if you are a morning person) so that you set your priorities each day. You will then always pursue what you treasure the most. You will be a blessing because of it!

We also pray for all of the doctors, physicians, Physician Assistants, nurses, etc. who are there for us to help us stay well or to support us during medical needs. Many of these individuals are well into their 30’s by the time they finish their training. That is a commitment. Show your thanks for that and for their service to you. I find it to be a sad day (for me) when my physicians are retiring. They have served me so well and I have told them so quite often. Do the same for your medical professionals. Be a blessing to them. Pass it on to all of those who make it a career to care for the needs of others!

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