Don’t give for show!…

6:03 Matthew “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,” (NIV)

Christ describes to the people listening to him the way that we should give to the needs of others. In earlier verses, He calls out the religious leaders of that time. They made great and loud announcements whenever they would give to the poor…showing off just how pious they thought they were. That’s NOT how we are to act in our giving. Give generously but for the sake of others and not to bring glory to you. We are stewards of all that God has given us. Return a portion to Him in ways that bring glory to Him and benefit to His people.

Please share this blog or the link to this page as you forward this verse to your family, friends, and neighbors. Ask where they give the most and to what charities. Ask if they will still give even after the new tax laws take effect. Their answers will give you insights into what gets their attention and their donations. Tell them about the directions which Jesus gave us regarding giving. Let them know that real giving is from the heart and is in response to all the blessings which God has given to us. Take Time For God’s Word at 6:03 am or pm and as you think of the needy, then recall our verse. You may want to set a Reminder on your phone for 6:03 pm with the title ‘give to the needy’. It may be something that you want to discuss with your family at meal time. It may be an opportunity for you to share with them where you give and why. It is not bragging but rather it is you setting an example of Christian giving and Christian living which they will remember for years to come!

Please pray for all of the many global mission organizations like World Vision which are carrying the Good News to all parts of the globe and to people who need the hope of the Gospel. As I have mentioned, I greatly enjoy supporting specific young children around the world and in seeing their progress in learning and in beginning to know God. What a privilege to see small monthly gifts having an eternal impact. Share what you can. Give where you feel led to give. Be blessed in your giving! Pass it on as an example of Christ’s impact in your life!

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