Shine Jesus, Shine…through me!

5:16 Matthew “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (NIV)

Blessed Easter greetings! He is risen! He is risen, indeed! What a great day! Regardless of the weather, there is Son-shine today! And that is our calling…to be the light that shines in the darkness. People will see the light of Christ when they see what He does through you each day. It may be a kind word. It may be a selfless act of love. It may be how you listen and care for others. People are watching. People need to see the difference in how you live differently from the rest of the world. They need to see Jesus working through YOU! Shine on!

Please copy this blog or copy the link to pass on this verse to your close family, friends, and co-workers for Christ. Ask how they feel on bright and sunny days. Ask if they feel that their words and actions can bring that kind of brightness to others around them. Be that brightness and light to all of those that you come in contact with today. You are here, right now, in this place, for such a time as this. Don’t miss out on the blessings of the moment. Embrace them and use them to the glory of God. Take Time For God’s Word at 5:16 am or pm and as you see the sunlight, then think of this verse and how your can bring light to your world. Save this verse card in your Favorites or Verses albums on your phone. Be reminded of it every sunny day. Let people see your acts of love and kindness and let them know that God is working in your life. Be light to glorify Him!

Our prayers today extend to all of the judges and all those who work in our judicial system at all levels from the Supreme Court down to our local courts. We are grateful for all of those who work to promote fairness and justice in an imperfect world. We are grateful for all who serve on juries to hear evidence and to render their verdicts. Thank them. THANK YOU if you have served on a jury. Continue to support them in their calling. Stay blessed each day. Be the light and a great blessing to those around you. Pass it on forever!

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