Be filled with righteousness daily!

5:06 Matthew “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” (NIV)

Most of us don’t really know what it means to be starving or to be dying of thirst. We generally have food and water available to us whenever we need it. If it were scarce, then we would crave it and would do anything to obtain it. That is the type of desire which we need to have for the righteousness found in Christ. It is about being in a right relationship with God and in letting His love and His grace fill us to overflowing. You will then be an even greater blessing to others!

Consider ways to share this blog or the link to it so that you can give yet another verse to all your friends on social media and to those on your email list. Ask if any of them have ever truly be starving or stranded without water. Ask what they did to get the food or water needed to live. Listen carefully for their response. Tell them about the righteousness that you receive from God. Let them know how that impacts your life and how you want to share it with others. We do not want anyone to perish without knowing the love of Christ. Always Take Time For God’s Word at 5:06 am or pm and as you sense hunger or thirst, then know this verse and its meaning. Add this to other verses in your Reminder on your phones which start with the word “Blessed”. You may want to repeat these short verses as you begin your evening meal. It is a great reminder of the goodness of God. It fits to the timing of the evening meal. Make it a new habit and you will begin to see all the blessings which it will bring to you and to others.

Our focused prayers today go out to all of the homeless people and to those who are providing services and support for them. Often those shelters are their life-line to food, water, and a safe place to sleep. When you have nothing, life can look hopeless. Even having a little and having someone who cares brings them hope. We need to provide for those in need. Support those shelters. Give of your time. Donate if you can. Be the answer to their prayers. If not you, then who? Stay blessed to be a blessing. Pass it on through acts of love and prayers of hope.

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