Will others see the love of Christ in you?... 5:16 Matthew

As we are preparing to enter a new year (2016), we are all making plans for what we will do or change to try to make it a great year. Is one of those changes to be more loving and to let others see Christ working in your life? If so, then Matthew 5:16 is a great reminder verse. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (RSV) During our weekly Bible Studies at our church, we have discussed some of the current people who are making headlines. Some are famous people. Some are people in the media who others may look up to or who may even idolize, to some degree, who have been and are making terrible personal choices on habits, behaviors, and lifestyles which in prior generations in our culture would not have been tolerated…at their level or positions. Now, it seems to be just another story… like so many others… that we don’t even pay much attention to it. Contrast that type of life/ example with this verse from Matthew 5:16 which should be our daily guide. Three (3) simple phrases in one sentence… (repeat the verse in the phrases shown below)… “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” As we read in the first sentence of the book, "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren,…”It’s not about you.” We quickly come to realize that our “light” is only a reflection of what Jesus has done and is doing in our lives. He is the Light of the World. Our “good works” are only the outcome of his outpouring of love, mercy, grace and forgiveness so that we can be free to be… to be a blessing to others. And if we do that in performing those simple but oh so difficult tasks, people will notice. They will be amazed. They will realize that our lives are not our own… that we belong to something and someone MUCH bigger than what is happening here and now. And, they will GIVE glory to God and thanks for His hand that placed us near them, at this time and in this place. Your giving of yourselves will result in true living… and it will show!

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