Dapedersen's blog

Do not feel overwhelmed…

88:03 Psalm “I am overwhelmed with troubles and my life draws near to death.” (NIV)

King David often fought in battles where the other armies were larger and more powerful. When He trusted in God, he knew that He would be on the winning side. He could have felt overwhelmed but he chose to trust God for help and deliverance. We can have that same trust in God today to see us through ALL the battles in our lives… financial, health, relationships, careers, storms, etc. He is there for you to the very end… and to the new beginning with Him forever.

Give the Lord your undivided attention!

86:11 Psalm “Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” (NIV)

God requires that we give Him our whole heart. We cannot have divided loyalties. We need to put God first in our lives and then everything else can fall into its proper priority. After all, Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for us… we should give Him our full attention and our complete trust. No one can serve two masters. Let Him be Lord of your life now… and forevermore.

None can do what our God does!

86:08 Psalm “No pagan god is like you, O Lord. None can do what you do!” (NLT)

King David lived in a world of MANY false gods and strange religions. Guess what… so do we!! There are billions of people who follow those same idols and gods made with human hands. We now have great communications tools and a world-wide-web (the Internet) from which we can share the Good News to those (billions) who are still looking for the one true God. Keep reaching out to them. There is still much that we can share with them about the love of Christ!!

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