
Worried? You shouldn’t be!

6:27 Matthew “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (NIV)

Do you worry? Does all that worry change things? I know that it does change you… it fatigues you… it depresses you… it keeps you from enjoying others and the blessings that you already have. It doesn’t have to do that. You can turn ALL of those worries over to God. You can take proactive actions to change the outcomes of the things that you worry about. Trust that God is in control. He isn’t worried about it… so don’t let it worry you either!

Be hungry for it every day!

6:11 Matthew “Give us today our daily bread.” (NIV)

Six words. Powerful words. Words which every person understands. Those who face physical hunger have the best understanding as they think about bread a lot. Those with spiritual hunger also know just what they need. How about you? Do you take food for granted? Do you take your Bible for granted? Recognize that you have great needs for both. Give thanks that Jesus is the Bread of Life. He will sustain you both now and forever!

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